Coaching &
Blacklily Consulting can help your group take justice work to the next level.
We will work with you to create a customized J.E.I.D. plan for your business or organization. Together, we’ll identify desired outcomes and nominate a robust group of stakeholders who will help affect change. We can create a unique strategic plan and implementation process that is based on needs, current workplace culture and individual capacity.
As we work with you, we’ll evaluate programs in flight as well as areas of opportunity. We’ll keep an eye out for resource sinks or lags within your organization and work to provide you with a functional framework for more radical change.
Consultation works best when leaders and stakeholders come prepared with desired outcomes, honest capacity, previous history around success and continued challenges. We will ask you to prepare for our work together. We’ll also develop communication plans to keep your team in the loop and make sure everyone is aware of upcoming changes. We’ll create a robust, step-by-step plan that includes policy advisement, current J.E.I.D. review, talent acquisition/recruiting/hiring, development of leadership pipelines, programs for underrepresented staff and improved partnerships with local community organizations.
Examples of possible outcomes with Blacklily Consulting:
Environmental scan/assessment of current state
Inclusivity and workplace safety survey results
Highlighted policies and practices that are discriminatory and need to change
Creation of a roadmap to get desired results
Strategic plan creation for change
Identifiable avenues of implementation that will create effective results and drive inclusive change
Increased knowledge of how to work with and support transgender and gender non-conforming individuals
Development of robust communication plans & strategy
Increased desire for change and awareness of why the change is happening
Create effective metrics for measuring success
Robust step by step plan (policy advisement, current EID program/practices review, talent acquisition/recruiting/hiring, development of leadership pipelines and programs for underrepresented staff, improve partnerships with local community organizations)